Name of Visitor
V Adm Bimal Varma, AVSM
Commander-in- Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command
Delighted to visit BEL Bangalore Complex yet once again. Impressed with the strides. God Bless. Good Luck.
V Adm Bimal Varma, AVSM
Commander-in- Chief, Andaman and Nicobar Command
Delighted to visit BEL Bangalore Complex yet once again. Impressed with the strides. God Bless. Good Luck.
Mr Deepak Tewari
Office of DIG BSF SIG REGT, FHQ, Ministry of Home Affairs, BSF (Signal Regiment), New Delhi
This HQ appreciates efforts of your team in restoration of voice/data communication in flooded area of Kashmir Valley as communication is the lifeline of our deployed troops. It is also expected that BEL will provide their valuable services for the maintenance of POLNET terminals in future.
Maj Gen MPS Baweja
Additional Director General, Tac C, DG of Signals, General Staff Branch, Integrated Hqrs of MoD (Army), New Delhi
The CDMS network partially established by your team in Kashmir Valley has performed flawlessly during the period of heavy rain and floods. The services of this network have helped in coordinating the relief operations during the worst phase of floods when all other means of communication were down. The BEL team has been forthcoming in maintaining communication on MCCS networks and provisioning of additional handsets for effective utilization of the network in the situation which aptly warranted this initiative. Your project team's courage and willingness to act swiftly at time of need is laudable. We look forward to a focused and dedicated endeavor from your teams in all present and further associations with the Indian Army.
Maj Gen Birochan Bhatt
Cdr, HQ Technical Group
Healthy and useful interaction. Excellent production facilities exist for manufacturing EW suites. All the very best for future endeavors.
Mr.Rao Inderjit Singh
Minister of State for Defence, Govt of India
The work being done here is perhaps better than I had expected. I had expected very good. I found them to be excellent. Both in commitment & in intellect. Keep up the good work please. The country needs you all.
Brig M Kulkarni
Controller, CQAL, Bengaluru
A dynamic and responsive defence PSU, BEL Panchkula has created a niche for themselves in being proactive to user needs. Best wishes to the team of officers and staff here to continue doing the worthy activity for Indian Army.