

Exports play a key role in BEL’s strategic perspective. The ranges of products and services exported have been increasing over the years. A number of international companies are using the facilities at BEL for contract manufacturing the broad list of products and services being exported is given below:

Defence Communication equipment and spare parts Botswana, Indonesia, Suriname, Malaysia, France, Sri Lanka & Switzerland
Radars & Sub-systems Indonesia, Egypt, Switzerland, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sri Lanka & USA
Electronic Warfare products and services Brazil, Malaysia, USA
Opto-electronics products Sri Lanka, Nepal, Israel, South Africa, Turkey
Semiconductor devices, Microwave Tubes and Transmitting Tubes Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, Netherlands, UK, USA, France, Hong Kong, Mauritius, UAE
Solar Products & Systems Suriname, Germany, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria
Vacuum Interrupters Malaysia, UAE, Uganda, Turkey, UK, Azerbaijan
Contract Manufacturing & Outsourcing Services USA, Canada, Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, UAE Germany, Israel, Slovak, Sweden
Electronic Voting Systems Sri Lanka, Uganda, Malawi, South Africa, Namibia & Nepal
Radio & TV Broadcasting products and Systems Nepal, Mauritius, Zimbabwe
Telecom and SATCOM systems Nigeria, Kenya