भारत इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स लिमिटेड

Civil Aviation

BEL is diversifying its business in the civil aviation segment and proposes to supply CNS equipment through in-house development/products.

BEL is collaborating with M/s Airports Authority of India for modernisation of Airports by providing solutions for Air traffic management, other ground & navigations solutions, etc.

BEL is also exploring partnerships with global OEMs in Civil aviation’s segment for indigenisation of systems and solutions required for modernisation of Airports and ground infrastructures.


Communication Equipments

  • V/UHF Air Ground Radio Communication
  • HF Radio & Accessories.
  • VCCS
  • Digital Voice Recorder (DVR)
  • EPABX system.
  • VSAT

Navigation Equipments

  • Instrument Landing System (ILS)
  • Doppler VHF Omni directional Range (DVOR)
  • Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
  • Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
  • Non Directional Beacon (NDB)

Surveillance Equipments

  • V/UHF Air Ground Radio Communication
  • HF Radio & Accessories.
  • VCCS
  • Digital Voice Recorder (DVR)
  • EPABX system.
  • VSAT

MET Equipments

  • Integrated Automatic Aviation Meteorological Systems (IAAMS)
  • Upper Air Sounding System (UASS)
  • Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS)
  • Conventional MET equipments

1. ASR & MSSR Radar

Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) is a S Band Radar (2.7 to 2.9 GHz) co-mounted with L band Mono-pulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) for seamless Air Traffic Control application with detectable range of 60 NM (ASR)/250 NM (MSSR) in 360 deg Azimuth

Major Technical Specifications
Radar Type: 2D
Frequency Band S Band
Max Detection Range 60 NM for 2 sqm target
Azimuth Coverage 360˚ in Rotation
Range Accuracy 37 m (rms)
Resolution 230 m
Capacity 900 tracks/ Scan

Special Features


2. ATM Automation System and Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System(ASMGCS)

  • Providing guidance, surveillance and Control Support to the Air Traffic Controller
  • Maintaining aircraft movement rate under all local weather conditions
  • Improving the safety in airport traffic especially during low visibility and night operations
  • Reducing taxiing times and scheduling more efficiently.
  • Conflict free continuous taxiing

Air Traffic Management (ATM) provides automated assistance to ATC personnel by performing following Main functions:

3. Indigenous ATC Radar

BEL indigenously developed Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) is a S Band Radar (2.7 to 2.9 GHz) co-mounted with L band Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) for seamless Air Traffic Control application with detectable range of 60 NM (ASR)/250 NM (MSSR) in 360 deg Azimuth.

Major Technical Specifications
Radar Type: 2D
Frequency Band S Band
Max Detection Range 60 NM for 2 sqm target
Azimuth Coverage 360˚ in Rotation
Range Accuracy 37 m (rms)
Resolution 230 m
Capacity 900 tracks/ Scan

Special Features




MLAT (Multilateration) is a cooperative system for targets surveillance and identification in airport environment. MLAT system uses differential Multilateration techniques or Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) principle, in order to estimate the exact position of targets having Mode-S and Mode 3/A & C transponders. Targets identification is also possible by means of ground station interrogation.


Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS–B) is a surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by Air Traffic Control (ATC) ground stations as a replacement for secondary surveillance radar, as no interrogation signal is needed from the ground. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self-separation.

ADSB is a Next Generation technology for Air Traffic Management, which requires no transmission provides 360deg coverage. ADS–B is “automatic” in that it requires no pilot or external input. It is “dependent” in that it depends on data from the aircraft’s navigation system.


Special Features