HR to be a strategic business partner to enable BEL to be a competency based, learning oriented, performance driven world class enterprise.
We are committed to the HR vision so as to make BEL an exceptional place of work by enabling and empowering employees to maximize their potential for achieving organizational excellence.
In order to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization, a Behavioral Competency Model with 9 competencies have been developed. Based on the Competency Model, Online Development Centres(ODC) have been rolled out for junior to middle level executives and post ODCs, Competency Development Workshops (CODE) have been carried out for addressing identified competencies.
Competency Based 360o Feedback and Leadership Development Workshops are conducted for senior level executives. Development Centres have been conducted for senior executives. Assessment Centres are being done for senior executives.
Being a Technology organization, it is imperative to build a learning organization.
Technology programs are conducted in collaboration with DIAT/IITs and experts from various Technology organizations. Management Development Programs are organized at MDI/IIMs for various grade executives. General Managers are nominated for Advanced Management Programs (AMPs) through leading institutes like MDI/IIPA.
Customized programs are conducted on Change Management (CHAMP), Enterprise Risk Management, Strategy Building and Competitive Intelligence, Contracts Management, Women Leadership Development (DEEPSHIKHA), Gender Sensitization & POSH Act (SAMMAN), Finance for Non-Finance Executives, Outbound Learning, HR for Non-HR Executives, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Emotional Intelligence, etc. Quality related programs like ASQ Certification, Project Management, Six Sigma, Lean, 5 S, Quality Tools, Reliability & Maintainability, Business Excellence etc are conducted by BEL Quality Institute (BEQI). Skill Upgradation and Development Programs are conducted for Non-Executives in various subjects.
HR policies in BEL are carefully evolved to ensure retention of competent human resources and develop high commitment and a sense of belongingness to the Company. HR policies are formulated based on the Environmental changes, Business requirements, Ministry guidelines, End user feedback Periodic review, Management decision, etc. These policies are issued in the form of Office Orders / Memos / Circulars and are uploaded on a real time basis on the Company’s intranet for ease of access to all employees.
Various policies have been introduced which seek to enhance innovation, functional aptitude and teamwork of our employees. These initiatives include Presentation of Professional Papers, Sponsorship of Executives for M.Tech program at DIAT (Pune). Apart from the above, various other measures such as employee welfare, recognition, awards, compensation, etc. are very well formulated to enhance the individual commitment towards the Organization.
The Performance Management system in BEL covers Key Performance Areas (KPAs) and Behavioral Competencies and is focused towards building and sustaining a healthy communication process between the Appraisee and Appraiser. This is achieved through joint sharing of expectations and setting of targets. The Performance Management System establishes a clear linkage between ratings, Performance Related pay and career growth in the Organization. The long term objective of the Performance Management System so to foster and sustain a Performance Oriented Culture in the Organization.
In the current business scenario, the HR function will gear up and focus on the following: