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In this age of rapidly advancing technology, businesses of big and small size must protect sensitive information about their clients, employees, partners and internal operations etc. With the rising sophistication of cyber-attacks, this protection has become an increasingly challenging task. The global attack surface is a living thing that grows and changes constantly. It is sometimes said there are only two kinds of organization those who know they have been breached, and those who do not know it yet. To mitigate the risk and damage associated with cyber security, it is important to know how to assess risks and improve cyber defenses via security-by-design. It is also important to plan for what to do in case of breach of any nature.
Businesses are exploring new methods to defend themselves reliably against potential cyber-attacks. The term “Defense-in-depth “ is used to describe a multi-layered security architecture that uses a number of layered defenses to protect from a variety of Cyber-attacks and Cyber espionage. A layered security approach helps ensure gaps between security policies are fewer and harder to find. The idea is to combine technology components with good security management practices to create protective layers that reduce the risk of attack and intrusion.
Defense-in-depth remains relevant and reliable but needs to be adapted to evolving computer technologies and threats. Keeping abreast of current trends and changing vulnerabilities is a challenging task where current requirement is to detect and avoid zero-day-attack. This must remain the main objective of the Information Security Team of any enterprise while deciding their Cyber security tools, technologies and practises.