+7V, +18V, -18V

+7V, +18V, -18V

Product category :Lithium Thionyl Chloride(LTC)

plus7V, plus18V, -18V

This battery pack consists of three sections made with 139 Nos of Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LiSOCl2) cells connected in series-parallel configuration under each section. A safety fuse and diode are provided in each string of the three sections for short circuit and charge protection. This battery provides requisite supplies to the voltage regulators of the mine to provide necessary supplies to the entire mine electronics to give requisite minimum endurance of 300 days at the end of 4 years of life.


  • Non rechargeable
  • Incorporates safety devices like Diode and slow blow fuse
  • Shelf life more than 5 years
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range from -30 0 C + 55 0 C

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