ATM Automation System

ATM Automation System

Product category :Non Defence

The first indigenously developed ATMS Automation System of India was inaugurated. The system was jointly developed by combined efforts of BEL & AAI. The system was installed free of cost by BEL at Bhubaneshwar Airport.

Brief About the System

Providing guidance, surveillance and Control Support to the Air Traffic Controller Maintaining aircraft movement rate under all local weather conditions Improving the safety in airport traffic especially during low visibility and night operations Reducing taxing times and scheduling more efficiently. Conflict free continuous taxiing.

Air Traffic Management (ATM) provides automated assistance to ATC personnel by performing following Main functions:

  • Acquisition, Collection, Processing, Integration, Distribution and Presentation of Multi-Sensor Surveillance data, Flight Plan data, and Meteorological and Aeronautical information.
  • Data exchange with Adjacent ATS units, Aircraft on-board system, and other internal and external systems and agencies
  • Alert capabilities through flight monitoring and prediction functions
  • Technical Monitoring and Control of the system, and management of operational parameters and environmental data.
  • Recording of surveillance and flight data, meteorological and aeronautical information and user inputs for subsequent playback and analysis purposes

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