Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS)

Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS)

Product category :C4I Systems

The Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS) is a mobile automated surveillance system capable of integrating the inputs from all battlefield surveillance devices at div and corps level, processing them to confirm their veracity, prevent duplication, fusing them with other inputs and databases to produce a battlefield scenario to aid the commander in decision making. BSS collects data from various sensors to carry out situation assessment using MSDF and displays the tactical picture on a map background using a customized GIS.

Functions & Features

  • Mobile Automated Surveillance System
  • The system consists of a monitoring centre, a communication control unit, a generator and various monitoring communication terminals.
  • It collects data from various types of sensors located in the field
  • A map displays the strategic position on the background
  • Provides decision support to commanders using multi-sensor data fusion techniques
  • It uses artificial intelligence and information based techniques to identify and assess the position of the target
  • Voice, video, content and images are sent over highly secure high speed digital communication links
  • Fibre optics and VHF, HF and UHF radio, hybrid communication networks have multi-layered security.

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