Product category :Antenna

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The Bharat Electronics 2.4 -meter transportable VSAT antenna system, Model BE24082 is designed for multiband transmit and receive operation in C, Ext C, Ku, Ka, and X bands. Interchangeable feeds with quick, easy removal and replacement, allow the end user to change the frequency bands in field manually within few minutes. This mobile antenna consists of three piece carbon fibre composite (CFRP) reflector with back up structure mounted on a cable driven, elevation-over-azimuth positioning system, providing Overview BE240 BE-VSAT The pedestal, reflector, drive system, integrated Antenna Control Unit (ACU) with Beacon Tracking Receiver (BTR) are common for the entire frequency band and are not to be changed during operation in all the three bands. The reflector is three-piece foldable with width of 1.5 meter for the centre piece. The antenna is light weight, sturdy and delivers uninterrupted high performance under extreme weather conditions. The antenna exhibits exceptionally low side lobe levels and cross-polarization performances meeting ITU-580.6 requirements.


  • Indigenous solution
  • Configurable
  • Low Maintenance
  • Low Acquisition Time
  • Withstands Harsh Environment

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