

Product category :CBRN Systems and Sensors


Works on Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopic method, in which an atom or molecule is excited to a higher energy level by the absorption of laser light followed by spontaneous emission of light of longer wavelength, which is then recorded by a photo multiplier tube.

Specific detection of biological materials (bacteria, fungi, viruses and biological toxins) without interference of domestic and industrial particles/powders, Diesel and vegetation smoke, aerosol of sea origin, etc.



  • Compact and Ruggedized
  • Compatible with both indoor and outdoor installations (all weather conditions)
  • 24×7 operating time
  • Response time ≤ 60 seconds
  • Detection and Interference: Specific detection of biological materials (bacteria, fungi, viruses and biological toxins) without interference of domestic and industrial particle/powders, smoke like diesel & vegetation smoke etc and aerosol of sea origin
  • Signal: Audio-visual and alert signal on change in biological background beyond a programmable threshold
  • Communication: Standard Wireless (GSM) and wired technology (Ethernet/RS485)
  • Compatible for networking with other sensors for control room monitoring with full data transfer protocol and Interface control document.

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