Coastal Surveillance Radar

Coastal Surveillance Radar

Product category :Non Defence



  • The radar systems are capable of detecting small targets like rubber boats to quite large and nearby targets, with an ability to handle a large dynamic range of signals in addition to being able to suppress clutter.
  • 21 feet antenna with switchable polarization, dual unit frequency diversity X-band radar (referred to a X-band radar) or a combination of Dual unit frequency diversity X-band radar and a Single S-band radar (referred to a X/S band radar)
  • Features such as programmable Pulse Repetition Frequency, programmable Pulse Width and random stagger are available to enable task-specific set-up of the Receiver- Transmitter.
  • The radars are characterized by high resolution, wide receiver dynamic range, noise reduction facilities, built-in test equipment and the ability to perform remote servicing activities. Frequency (and time) Diversity is used in the X-band radar to de-correlate sea clutter, eliminate small target fluctuations, reduce multi path (lobing) effects and thereby improved detection of small targets at all ranges
  • Digital FTC, sweep-to-sweep correlation (white noise suppression), sweep-to-sweep integration are used to improve signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Target Trackers optimized for marine applications for all weather detection and tracking of small targets in cluttered environments.

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