e-Nasika CAM

e-Nasika CAM

Product category :CBRN Systems and Sensors


e-Nasika CAM is a compact, rugged and hand held Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) based on Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Sensor Technology. It is mainly used to detect, monitor and identify presence / remnants of Chemical Warfare Agents in the battle field and provide audio and visual alarm of a chemical  attack. The equipment can be employed to monitor and confirm the presence /absence of CWAs both pre-and post-decontamination of troops, equipment’s, vehicles and weapons.



  • Simultaneous detection of all Chemical Warfare Agents, (Nerve, Blister, Blood and Choking agents), Toxic Industrials Chemical(TICs) and Toxic Industrial’s Materials(TIMs.
  • Light weight.
  • Expandable library of CWA ,TICs and TIMs.
  • Quick response.
  • Audio and visual alarm on detection.
  • In built low battery and low reagent alarm.
  • Compliance with MILSTD 461E and JSS-55555.
  • Indigenous Technology.
  • Bar type display for detected CWA/TICs/TIMs concentration level.

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