Electronic Percussion Fuze

Electronic Percussion Fuze

Product category :Fuzes

The M144 Fuze is an Electronic Point Detonating Fuze (also called as Percussion Fuze) used for artillery gun ammunition. This Fuze is available in 3 variables suitable for 3 types of gun calibres namely 105 MM (Mode- 3), 130 MM (Mode-2) and 155 MM (Mode-1).

The M144 Fuze is mainly used with High-Explosive (HE) projectiles. The fuze initiation takes place through electronic chain where an electric detonator gets Its initiation from the electronic circuit.

Feature: –

  • Modes: Fuze has two modes of operation:
  • (i)Point Detonation Super Quick (PDSQ)
  • (ii)Point Detonation delay (PDD): 0.04 sec (min)
  • Fze Safety Distance: Min 100 meters from Muzzle End
  • Shelf Life: Min 15 years under sheltered storage
  • Safety: As per MIL-STD-1316E and STANAG 4187

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