Electronic Target System (LOMAH System)

Electronic Target System (LOMAH System)

Product category :Simulators

Electronic Target System (ETS), developed by Bharat Electronics (A Defence Public Sector Undertaking), provides the most versatile and cost-effective solution available in the market. ETS is configured for training on live fire exercises for small arms. An array of sensor at the target end detects the passage of the projectile through the target and feeds back an “X / Y” coordinate to a display screen at the Firing End Display System / Master Control Station. This eliminates the physical movement of the firer (to cease fire and move towards the target to study the hit positions), thereby decreasing the turnaround time and enabling more firers to be trained in a specified period of time. ETS developed in association with CSIR-NAL, has two variants:

DHVANI: An array of sensors is placed at predetermined orientation, ahead of the target, records the signals from bullet travelling at supersonic speed (near the target), to determine the bullet location accurately within the detection zone. The system caters to exercises from supersonic weapons for hit and miss detections. It also referred as Location Of Miss And Hit (LOMAH) System.

ABHIAS: An automated system to detect bullets using acoustic detection and localization of hits on target. System caters to almost all weapons including rifles and CQC (Close Quarters Combat) weapons. The system caters to exercises from both supersonic and subsonic weapons for hit detections.

Key features

  • Accurate hit detection of about 5 mm (90% Confidence level) at Center of Target.
  • Provision for Predefined Exercises / Annual Range Course (ARC) and User Configurable Exercises.
  • Hit/Miss representation with deviation at Firing End Display System (FEDS) and Master Control Station (MCS).
  • Provision to operate FEDS independent of MCS.
  • Centralized Monitoring of lanes at MCS.
  • Provision for Pop Up, Slice & Rotation in Single Target System with in-built illumination.
  • Real time Performance Evaluation.
  • Software to Customise as per User needs.
  • Ruggedized system for continuous outdoor deployment in existing firing ranges.
  • All weather-proof carbon fiber Composite Sensor Bar.
  • Wireless connectivity between FEDS, MCS and Target System.
  • Power on Self-diagnostic and Real time diagnostic during the exercise.
  • System Power: AC as well as DC battery operated.
  • Number of firing lanes and firing range can be configured based on the user requirements.

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