ESM for Small Aircraft

ESM for Small Aircraft

Product category :Radar Electronic Support Measures(ESM) Systems

ESM for Small Aircraft

This air borne ESM system provides reconnaissance of ground based, airborne, ship-borne and submarine radars, both static and mobile. The system intercepts, detects, and identifies radar signals and displays all the parameters of radar emission. The system is wide open in frequency (D to J band) and space, provides 100% probability of intercept and processes radar signals with very low reaction time. It also carries out threat prioritization and provides threat warning by using a built-in radar library. The system sensitivity is adequate to meet the range requirements of most of the radars.


  • Wide open in spectral and spatial domain
  • High Probability of Intercept (POI)
  • High sensitivity and good DOA accuracy
  • Light weight and Modular construction
  • Automatic tracking of large number of emitters
  • Data recording and replay facility for Post Mission Analysis

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