ESM for Submarine

ESM for Submarine

Product category :Radar Electronic Support Measures(ESM) Systems

ESM System for Submarines

This is a submarine borne ESM System operating in the frequency bands D to J. The system intercepts, detects and identifies the radar signals and displays active emitters, including RF transmissions from radar installed on sub-marines. The system is wide open in frequency and space, provides high probability of intercept. The ESM system has sufficient operational sensitivity especially in the higher frequency bands achieve high detection ranges. It provides threat warning based on library available in the system. The system can handle pulse, CW, chirp and other exotic signals


  • Wide open in spectral and spatial domain
  • ELINT with high sensitivity and parameter accuracy
  • Extensive BITE facility for easy maintenance
  • Large programmable threat library for radar modes
  • Automatic tracking of large number of emitters
  • Wide open receivers with high probability of intercept and sensitivity
  • Data recording and replay facility for Post Mission Analysis
  • Single operator controlled system with user friendly MMI
  • AHU of the system capable of withstanding external pressure up to 60bar

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