Bharat Electronics Limited

Gigabit Ethernet Ship Data Network (SDN)

Gigabit Ethernet Ship Data Network (SDN)

Product category :Naval Systems


Shipboard Data Network is a Gigabit Ethernet based multi-services shipboard network designed to converge all voice traffic, real time and traditional data communications onto a single broadband infrastructure.

It is a redundant, flexible, reliable and modular network supporting multiple services for Naval ships.

It integrates data of various equipment and systems like Radars, Sonars, Fire Control Systems, Combat Management System and a number of other equipment providing Ship’s Household Data(SHHD).

MPIO (Multi-Protocol Input Output) units of SDN receive inputs from different peripherals / network interfaces, translates them from one protocol to another and sends them to different sink equipment connected to the network.


  • Broadband Network for Voice, Video and Data communication
  • GBE SDN is designed to provide
    • Scalability for almost 100% growth margin
    • Redundancy as below
      • Unit level redundancy for critical equipment
      • Link level redundancy in the backbone
    • Backbone network for ship’s
      • Combat Management System (CMS)
      • External Communication System (ACCS)
      • Internal Communication System (VCS)
    • Data Acquisition and Distribution
    • Sophisticated Network Health Management System (NHMS) for configuring and monitoring the health of network elements
    • Network Time synchronization and Time stamping of data
    • IP and Non-IP Interfaces Supported

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