Hydraulically Operated Telescopic Mast

Hydraulically Operated Telescopic Mast

Product category :Shelters & Masts



  • Hoist Height: 17 Meter ± 0.2 Meter above the Vehicle Platform
  • Hoist Head Load: 100 Kg. (BFSR MR)
  • Erection: Be able to erect under winds up to 60 KMPH ±1 milli radian at 60 KMPH. ±5 milli radian at 130 KMPH and Survival
  • Verticality: at 160 KMPH Operation to be feasible up to 130 KMPH wind load and Survival is ensured up to 160 KMPH wind load
  • Mobility: Mounted on TATRA 8 x 8 Vehicle.
  • Erection time: 20 +1 Minute.
  • Power Source: PTO / DG set / Mains.
  • Endurance: 24 Hour working without major maintenance / adjustment

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