Medium Power HF SSB Manpack Radio (LHP 265DI)

Medium Power HF SSB Manpack Radio (LHP 265DI)

Product category :Non Defence


The LHP 265 is an advanced DSP based lightweight Medium Power HF SSB manpack radio. It provides a complete solution to the short range communication requirements in the crowded HF band.

The LHP 265 provides Voice, Data, Telegraphy and Flash message communication. Communication reliability is improved by means of Automatic link establishment (BEST CALL), which enable real-time selection of optimum channel frequency. For reliable transmission of critical under EW condition, the radio provides digital secure transmission.

The radio can be used with wide range of antennas,including a lightweight foldable whip for portable operation, dipole, long wire and many other antennas for static operation.


  • DSP Based Tactical HF Radio
  • 100 present channels
  • Operator selectable digital squelch and selective calling
  • Dual frequency operation
  • Flash message transmission
  • Compact, Lightweight and modular construction
  • Built-in options
    • Best call (FAST ALE)
    • Vocoder based Digital encryption
    • Secure High Speed Data Modem upto 4800 bps
    • FH (Frequency Hopping)
  • Meets JSS 55555 L3/N3 specifications

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