Microwave Monitoring System

Microwave Monitoring System

Product category :Elint / Comint / Sigint

The Microwave Monitoring System is a wide band system for interception, monitoring, recording and analysis of microwave signals in the frequency range of 100 MHz to 18 GHz. The system is capable of demodulation, demultiplexing, decoding for voice and data like VFT, Fax & modem data. Microwave signals are intercepted using suitable antenna with a positioner and high sensitivity fast scan receiver. Carrier analysis is performed on the IF signal and to classify signal as COM/NON-COM and FDM/TDM. The digital demodulator/demultiplexer is capable of handling IF (70MHz or 21.4MHz) as well as Base Band signals.

The system has the capability to demodulate various digital modulations like FSK, PSK, QAM etc. The demodulated signals are further FEC decoded, descrambled and demultiplexed. A separate digital voice and data recording unit is provided to record the demultiplexed voice graded signals simultaneously. The system has the capability to analyze the voice graded modem fax signals, extract the signal parameters, identify the protocol/ demodulate and reconstruct the message intelligence. The functionality of the system is fully software controlled.


  • Interception, monitoring and analysis of wide band signals in 100 MHz-18 GHz frequency range
  • Filtering of unwanted signals based on search, analysis, and sector of arrival of data
  • Scanning of signals at frequency of interest to collect necessary statistical information for known signals
  • Analysis and extraction of intelligence (speech, data) for multiplexed signals
  • Decoding and reconstruction of voice, fax, VFT, Modem data
  • Report generation of intercepted signal and demultiplexed channel information
  • Complete system performance check with Built in test facility
  • Display:Spectrum, time domain, water fall, constellation,Eye-diagram, Raster scan etc
  • Application software with user friendly GUI for the integrated system with database storage facility

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