Mobile Ground based ELINT System

Mobile Ground based ELINT System

Product category :Elint / Comint / Sigint


The system is designed with state of the art digital receiver and DF technology to search, intercept, measure, monitor, analyze, identify and locate detectable Radar emitters within the required frequency spectrum to provide information necessary for strategic and tactical operations. The system is configured as an Integrated ELINT and Wide-open ESM System and consists of three Receiving Stations (RS) and one Control Station (CS). One of the RS Stations will also have a back up CS facility. In addition a Repeater Radio link is also provided to extend the range of one of the Receiving Stations from the Control Station.


  • Warning capability of pulsed and continuous wave signals.
  • High sensitivity and DF accuracy.
  • Tactical information, with high probability of Intercept, accurate identification and tracking of targets.
  • Intelligence gathering capabilities, performing ELINT processing during mission time or recording data for further analysis.
  • Tools to record and process signature data.
  • Built-in Radar Finger Printing System.

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