Bharat Electronics Limited

Point of Sale

Point of Sale

Product category :Non Defence

Ponit of Sale

Point of Sale (POS) has been designed for fair price shop to support Public Distribution System (PDS) In this model the application shall have a capability to function online as well as offline, depending on the availability of connectivity. The application software (FPS Automation Sales), shall be installed in every POS. Finger print scanner and printer shall be integrated with the device for biometric (finger print) with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and printing receipt of sales.


  • Robust portable device with Innovative design having biometric fingerprint scanner, thermal printer, smart cards and keypad.
  • Dual smart cards for operators and consumers authentication. Also supports magnetic stripe and contactless cards.
  • Finger print scanner confirming to UIDAI biometric specification.
  • Built-in camera to take beneficiary’s photo for verification.
  • Dual SIM keeps transactions moving and offers the ability to connect to networks with different service providers.
  • Multiple network connectivity with GPRS, PSTN, Wifi and Ethernet.
  • Supports on-line and off-line transactions.
  • Engineered for maximum security compliance using best-in-class secure processors and secure operating system.

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