Remote Control Weapon Station (RCWS)

Remote Control Weapon Station (RCWS)

Product category :Tank & Armoured Fighting Vehicle Electronic Systems

The Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) is intended to lay and Stabilize the NSVT 12.7 mm/ PKT 7.62mm machine gun along with the optical sensors in traverse and elevation mounted on the Turret/Tank. The system provides movement of the gun in traverse and elevation along with independent movement of the sight in elevation and with limited freedom in traverse. The system allows the operator to control the gun & sight from the operating console and joy stick inside the turret. The optical sensors include a day camera, Thermal imager and a Laser range Finder integrated on a single housing. The system allows target tracking for air and ground targets and performs necessary ballistic computations to feed the ballistic offsets to the gun / sight. The system has a provision for the operator to do automatic loading and firing of the gun.


  • Remote Firing.
  • Automatic Cocking
  • 2 Axis Self-Stabilized platform.
  • Day Camera & Night Vision
  • Automated FCS & Ballistics corrections
  • Adaptability to suit any platform and various types of weapon system (12.7mm/7.62mm).
  • Consistent and improved Firing accuracy.


  • The Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) is presently deployed in various Weapon platform. The system can be made adaptable to any Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), Border security surveillance and Naval platforms.

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