S-Band Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar (DWR)

S-Band Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar (DWR)

Product category :Weather Radar

The S-Band DWR Mk II System has been developed by BEL based on the technology inputs from ISRO. This has been developed as a part of the national effort (involving IMD, ISRO, NAL & BEL) in positioning a network of Doppler Weather Radars across the entire country and thereby ensuring effective weather forecasts throughout the country.

This radar provides long range weather surveillance up to 500 kms. It operates in S-band and is capable of detecting and estimating the parameters of cyclone and other severe weather conditions. This Radar can forecast severe weather conditions so that necessary preventive steps could be taken to alleviate the impact of such natural disasters in terms of loss of life and property.

Dual Polarimetric capability has been incorporated for effective rainfall estimation.

This coherent radar estimates three weather base products like, reflectivity (Z), mean velocity (V) and spectral width (σ) in single polarization mode. In Dual Polarisation mode, the radar estimates additional base products like, Differential Reflectivity (Zdr), Differential Phase Shift (φdp) and Correlation Co-efficient (ρ). Various primary & secondary weather data products for meteorological & aviation applications are generated using these base products.

Sailent Features

  • Long range weather Surveillance of 500 Km.
  • Antenna 9.0 m diameter, prime focus parabolic dish.
  • Radome, foam sandwich spherical radome 12.8 m diameter
  • Solid state modulator based Transmitter using high power klystron.
  • Low noise RF Frontend.
  • Comprehensive RF and IF simulation signal and noise calibration.
  • Digital Receiver.
  • Signal processing using VME based COTS DSP BOARD.
  • More than one ambiguity resolving techniques.
  • Elevation over azimuth servo system with elevation travel of -2° to 90°
  • Radar operation through user friendly GUI.
  • Exclusive work station for offline data products display.
  • Display of base products on real time display.
  • Topographical underlay map for data products.
  • Automatic transmission of weather data products.
  • Algorithms available for offline weather data products and aviation products.

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