Product category :VHF - Man Pack/Vehicular
STARS V Mk II is a frequency hopping High Power manpack radio in the family of Secure Tactical Radio System VHF (STARS V) developed to meet the requirements of long range VHF radio communication needs protected against electronic counter measures. It provides all the modern features required to meet the operational needs in the Forward Edge Battle Area (FEBA) today. Some of the important features are built-in high grade crypto, secure selective call, built-in GPS with grid display, built-in data modem, TOD based reliable synchronisation under severe jamming, Orthogonal hopping & hailing etc.
The radios are programmable for the hop sets and secure keys. The controls and settings of the radio is so designed that the complex ECCM radio is very user friendly.
A host of accessories such as manpack carrying harness, battery packs to suit any type of climatic conditions, battery chargers including solar charger for stand-alone charging, variety of antennas suitable for manpack, truck/ground, GPA roles of operation are provided.