Shelterised CBRN System

Shelterised CBRN System

Product category :Shelters & Masts


  • CBRN Surveillance vehicle: A mobile Shelterized system fitted with CBRN devices to survey atmosphere in the areas of interest
  • CBRN HAZMAT vehicle: A mobile Shelterized system, equipped with protective suits, various CBRN detectors, De-contamination system and de-contamination chamber for responding to any CBRN hazard warning from a surveillance vehicle.
  • Wi-Fi broadband connectivity for connectivity with Command control Centre
  • Fitted with NBC filtration system for Driver cabin and shelter
  • Base station with Command and control software installed inside the shelters
  • Self contained unit having power generation, environmental control capability
  • Enough room for operation with comfortable environment for crew working inside


  • Suitable for deployment in sensitive areas by Government, Municipal bodies, Security agencies, Hotels, Embassies, Event Management firms etc.

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