Simulator for L70 Gun Upgrade

Simulator for L70 Gun Upgrade

Product category :Simulators

Simulator for L70 Gun Upgrade

Simulator for L70 Gun Upgrade is computer based which is designed to train the L70 gunners in tracking of simulated aerial and ground targets on projected terrain views. The video output of the simulation computer is fed to the video display unit. The gunner is provided training on actual controls of the L-70 gun upgrade and firing practice on the simulated targets.


  • Instructor has the facility to inject various targets on real time bases and fault conditions
  • Provision to select different exercises to incorporate various combat conditions.
  • Self-operating mode where trainee can initiate training without the aid of instructor.
  • The performance of the trainee can be stored and printed.
  • Simulator design is modular for easy maintainability and upgradability.

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