Stabilised Optronic Pedestal Sights IAC

Stabilised Optronic Pedestal Sights IAC


Stabilised Optronic Pedestal Sights (SOPS) IAC has been designed to carry out surveillance with CCD Camera during daytime and Thermal Imager during night and for remote controlling of AK630 gun. The system is configured with four major sub-units, namely Optronic Pedestal, Control & Display Unit, Gun Control Unit and Transformer unit. The Optronic Pedestal is a motorized and stabilized platform with Gyros in both the axes. High Speed Torque motors are used for fast response and optimum stiffness.  Control & Display Unit is mounted with 15-inch rugged intelligent display along with the control panel, switches and joystick for various controls of Pedestal, Gun system and the display of video output from the sensors by the operator. Dual axis Joystick provided in the control panel is used for the movement of Pedestal and Gun.  The acquired target can be tracked automatically with the help of Video Tracker facility.

Salient Features:

  • Electro-Optical Sight with CCD, TI and LRF for all time, target- surveillance, detection & accurate Ranging, to facilitate better Engaging.
  • Auto-tracking of Locked on target.
  • Improved hit probability due to superfast accurate ballistic algorithm & automatic control on the Line of Firing.
  • All weather proof, special focus on adverse marine conditions.
  • All time operational (Day & Night).

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