Stabiliser for ICV BMP-II

Stabiliser for ICV BMP-II

Product category :Tank & Armoured Fighting Vehicle Electronic Systems


BMP II Stabilizer System, 2E36-4, is an all electric drive system used for stabilizing 30 mm automatic gun, 7.62 mm co-axial gun (Machine Gun), mounted on the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (BMP-II). It controls the guns in both Traverse and Elevation for firing at the ground targets on the move and at halt.

The stabilizer provides the semiautomatic traverse and elevation laying when engaging aerial targets at halt. The commanders traverse target designation, make it possible for the commander and operator to operate twin gun mount.

It is having two modes of operations namely Auto and Aided. Aided mode is useful for aerial target at halt. Pulse width modulated H bridge configured amplifiers are used in each channel for driving the motors. As a result of stabilization, Gun retains the present orientation in space when tank moves over broken terrain, while tank hull oscillates vertically and horizontally.


  • It is having facility for both commander and gunner to control Traverse and Elevation drive.
  • Target Designation mode provided to align the target in Traverse by commander only.
  • For both traverse as well as elevation it is having electric drive which is almost maintenance free.

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