Bharat Electronics Limited

Standalone MSSR Radar

Standalone MSSR Radar

Product category :Non Defence

The BEL Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) System complies with the requirements of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex-10, Vol IV and by EUROCONTROL’s European Mode S Station Functional Specification (version 3.11) on monopulse secondary surveillanceradar with Mode S capability.

Salient Features

  • Mode S MSSR ICAO Annex-10 compliant
  • Supports Modes: 1, 2, 3/A, C, IS1 (eqv. to NATO Mode-4; Optional for Forces) and Mode S ELS/EHS
  • Dual redundant system with dual channel receivers, transmitters and processors
  • System switchover capability with automatic fault condition and manual operator control
  • Radar plot/track data in Standard ASTERIX CAT48 output formats
  • Superior positional accuracy using monopulse azimuth calculations
  • Integration with ADS-B (if available)
  • Comprehensive Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) for fast, accurate fault detection/reporting
  • MTBF > 40,000 Hrs. / MTTR < 30min / System Availability: ≥ 99.99%
  • Standards : STANAG 4193, ICAO Annex 10, Vol-IV
  • Range : 0.1 NM to 256 NM
  • External Interface Formats : ASTERIX (Cat 48, Cat 34, Cat 21, Cat240)
  • Suitable for Civil and Military (with Secure Crypto) Applications

CMS Radar Display

LVA Antenna

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