This is an early warning, alerting and cueing system,including weapon control functions. It is specially designed to be highly mobile and easily transportable,by air as well as on the ground. This radar minimises mutual interference of tasks of both air defenders and friendly air space users. The command and control capabilities of the RADAR in combination with an effective ground based air Defence provide maximum operational effectiveness with a safe, efficient and flexible use of the airspace.
All weather day and night capability
40 km range, giving a large coverage
Multiple target handling and engagement capability
Local threat evaluation and engagement calculations assist the commander’s decision making process, and give effective local fire distribution.
Easy to operate, and hence low manning requirements and stress reduction under severe conditions
Highly mobile system, to be used in all kinds of terrain, with short into and out of action times (deployment/redeployment)
Clutter suppression
High resolution, which gives excellent target discrimination and allows accurate tracking