Tank Intercom System (R 174 – MK II)

Tank Intercom System (R 174 – MK II)

Product category :Defence Communication Products


Tank Intercom System, R-174 Mk-II, is meant for Intercommunication between crew members of a Tank. This can also be used for communication between the crew member of a tank with the crew member of other Tank through Radio. The system is designed for compatibility with Radio Sets R-173, CNR, STARS-V and TADIRAN.


  • Internal two way communication between up to six users
  • External two way communication over any of the three Radio stations of the vehicle
  • Internal circular two way communication between all Users
  • Listening to Ring tone from Radio
  • Ringing external user over Radio
  • Facility for selecting /controlling audio leak
  • Special Audio tone for Laser Warning Signal

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