Trusted Lan Interface Unit’ (TLIU- MK-II)

Trusted Lan Interface Unit’ (TLIU- MK-II)

Product category :Encryption Products

The TLIU is a full duplex encryption unit for deployment on an Ethernet based data communication network (LAN/MAN/WAN) providing security of Ethernet packets. It is indigenously developed and manufactured in-house. The proprietary layer 3 encryption is performed in electronic hardware based on state of art technology with FPGAs to achieve high throughput. The hardware is designed as per the guideline of CPC/SAG for desired grading of Encryption.

Salient Features

  • Support very robust and flexible platform supporting P2P and P2M communication.
  • Key/ algorithm loading from Fill gun unit (Power supply for Fill gun unit is derived from the TLIU-MK-II).
  • Data tamper detection based on RTC ICs activated through pressure sensor.
  • Support secure booting, POST and Built in test for easy diagnostics and maintenance.
  • Erasure of keys, algorithm or configuration data.
  • Equipment provides full duplex encryption.
  • Equipment has front-panel mounted access keypad, display and Fill-gun connector.
  • Operates on 230V Dual redundant AC power supply.
  • Hardware is designed to meet required crypto grading as per SAG.
  • Compliance to EMI/EMC FCC.

Technical Specifications

Sl No. Parameter Specifications
1. Technology State of art Processor & FPGA based hardware platform, without any operating system (OS)
2. Mode of Operation Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint, Secure Full Duplex
3. Physical Interface Link rate 10/100/1000 Mbps  Ethernet Electrical
4. Throughput


>  700 Mbps for 1G Link

(for UDP traffic of 1400bytes frame size)

5. Encryption Layer Support  L3  Encryption
6. Network Interoperability Compliant to IPV4 and IPV6
7. Key & Algorithms Through Fill gun on USB/RS232/ Ethernet Interface
8. User interface Membrane keypad

Character display for status/configuration information

9. Crypto Grading Hardware is designed to meet the desired Grading.
10. Power Supply §  Operate in AC Power supply 230V (Redundant Mode (1+1) cold standby)

§  Or 5V thro’ PoE

11. Power Consumption & Size •          <50W

•          19” and 1U  height

12. Environmental  Specification §  Operating Temperature : 0°C to 50° C

§  Storage Temperature: -20° C to 70° C

§  EMI/EMC:  FCC Part 15 Class A

§  QM333 Category B

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