Upgraded Indigenous Forward Observer Simulator (UIFOS)

Upgraded Indigenous Forward Observer Simulator (UIFOS)

Product category :Simulators

Upgraded Indigenous Forward Observer Simulator (UIFOS)

Upgraded Indigenous Forward Observer Simulator (UIFOS) meets the training requirement of Artillery branch of Indian Army. Both Forward observer (OP) in selection, prioritizing and engaging of a target and the Battery Command Post (BCP) in calculating the Bearing, Elevation, and Time of Flight and the Charge of the Ammunition.


  • Two OPs and two BCPs can be trained simultaneously
  • Computer generated imagery coupled with a large screen projection system provides a highly realistic Battlefield scenario.
  • High-resolution graphic scenario with various visual effects like day, dusk, night, and fog provides realism to the trainee Observer.
  • 3-dimensional visual scenario with cultural objects enhances the realism of the terrain scene viewed by the trainee Observer.
  • Various databases with Geo-specific terrains, facility to include user defined.
  • Different levels of training
  • 18 Batteries on each visual database.
  • Deployment of battery with Guns layout.
  • Range table of following guns are included.
    • 105 IFG, 105LFG, 120mm, 130mm, 155mm, GradBM, Soltam.
  • Artillery procedure includes 20 methods and 7 distributions.
  • Calculation of charge, Heading, Elevation and TOF from range table for given target grid reference (Easting, Northing and Height).
  • Correction for individual gun and multiple guns.
  • Selection of Different type of Ammunitions
    • HE, HE/AB, Smoke, Illumination and Cargo.
  • Target Registration and recalling.
  • Preparation, execution and modification of Fire Plan Attack and Defence.
  • Facility to integrate Mock ups of Observer Equipment’s like LDR and TIIOE.
  • Online injection of faults and Errors.
  • Record and reply of student performance.
  • Analysis, feedback and evaluation of student.

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