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BEL eGovernance Solution aims to improve citizen centric services offered by ULBs while making ULB employees better equipped, informed and responsive to public needs with transparency and in an effective manner.
Multi-Tenancy Architecture of the portal increases flexibility, maintainability, and scalability and allows different components to be independently deployed, maintained, and updated, on different time schedules.
Transformation in the way ULBs interact with Citizens and Businesses – complete overhaul in process.
Convenience of availing services 24*7 from the comfort of home.
Single Window – for availing services offered by ULBs.
Accountability ensured with performance Smartboard capturing performances of various ULBs.
Payment gateway integration for cashless transactions
Real-time alerts sent for payments and important notifications delivered via SMS and mail to citizens and employee
Transparency in the functioning of the ULBs using open dashboards
Delivery of services in regional language
Reduction in time for approvals with defined timelines for according approvals – service delivery made swifter
Accessible in Web, Android and iOS platforms
Time-bound delivery of services with configurable SLAs and escalation
With Multi-Tenancy, multiple modules for all ULBS can be managed in one place, increasing scalability, reducing cost and improving security.
BEL Software eGovernance solution is one of the few portals which supports multiple regional languages
Applications can now be filed online in 8 different regional languages: