Bharat Electronics Limited

Third Party Audits


A Third party audit is performed by an organization independent of the customer-supplier relationship and is free of any conflict of interest.

Working under strict guidelines, with the objective to assess the level of conformity of a management system to certain audit criteria, it performs impartial audits and provides management with an unbiased & clear feedback to improve the established processes.


  • Is intended to ascertain consistency of elements of the system with the determined requirements
  • Aids in establishing efficiency of the introduced system to achieve particular purposes
  • Enables registration of management systems in the organization
  • Evaluates fulfilment of requirements against relevant standards/ rules/ regulations

Services Offered

  • Preparation of detailed audit plan and defining audit framework
  • Establishing an audit methodology and a mechanism to resolve audit observations
  • Verifying compliance to functional and non-functional requirements as per Master Service Agreement (MSA)
  • Reviewing all documents, specifications, SOPs and reports for conformance to applicable standards
  • Reviewing specifications of each IT/ICT component of the project
  • Undertaking inspection of all IT/ICT components of the Integrated Command Control Center and its integrated projects
  • Verifying IT infrastructure test procedures and test reports
  • Auditing the SLA monitoring system
  • Performing information security compliance audits
  • Reviewing and assessing security policies & controls w.r.t industry best practices
  • Reviewing training manuals and trainings conducted
  • Verifying the DC-DR compliance against requirements & industry standards
  • Generating exhaustive gap analysis and non-compliance reports
  • Suggesting/ recommending solutions and re-verifying for compliance


  • Empaneled by CERT-In as an IT Security Auditing Organization, BEL is capable of performing compliance audits
  • Has adequate relevant knowledge and skills on audit principles, procedures and methods for conducting audits in a consistent and systematic manner
  • Provides Clear definition of audit scope, audit criteria and application of evidence based approach
  • Professional performance of audits in an ethical, open-minded, diplomatic, observant, perceptive, decisive, culturally sensitive and collaborative way
  • Vast experience in various environments resulting in objective independent evaluation, neutral assessment, result accuracy, low business impact
  • Unbiased suggestions/ recommendations and sharing of industry best practices
  • Sector specific knowledge enables thorough comprehension of organization’s structure, business, management practices and legal & contractual requirements applicable
  • Unearths hidden risks and generally accepted yet incorrect practices prevalent in the organizations
  • Comprehensive reports and practically possible solutions helping management to take remedial actions
  • Unmatched software documentation with the usage of IEEE 12207:2008 and other standards as applicable
  • With industry-leading software development, testing and auditing expertise in various legacy and latest technologies of Defence and non-Defence domains, BEL-SW combines proven technology and industrial know-how to ensure business continuity and maximizes productivity
  • Our complete portfolio leverages on more than 25 years of expertise and experience, resulting in the comprehensive understanding of requirements for varied customers, application of proprietary methodologies and sharing of industry specific best practices.

Application Areas

  • Management Systems Establishment
  • Quality Assurance/ Process Improvement Areas
  • Smart Cities/ Smart Solutions
  • Smart Factories/ Smart Manufacturing
  • Environment/ Finance/ Safety
  • Health Care/ E-Governance/ ERP
  • IT/ ICT/ Software Industries
  • Enterprises/ Governments


  • Reduces risk
  • Adds value to business
  • Improves processes
  • Improves performance
  • Ensures compliance
  • Provides credibility
  • Delivers confidence