Advanced Active cum Passive Integrated Sonar System (HUMSA NG)

Advanced Active cum Passive Integrated Sonar System (HUMSA NG)

Product category :SONAR SYSTEMS


HUMSA-NG is an advanced Active cum Passive integrated sonar system proposed to be fitted on a wide variety of Indian Navy platforms such as the Project 17, Project 15A and Project 28 class ships. HUMSA-NG is an advanced version of the existing HUMSA sonar presently fitted on P16, P15, Ranjit and Talwar Class of ships.

The HUMSA (NG) is designed for enhancing the system performance, reliability and maintainability employing the following broad principles:

  • Sub systems / interfaces based on open standards architecture
  • Modular hardware / software blocks
  • Standard back planes for simple and reliable inter-connection
  • Efficient packaging of electronics.
  • Efficient chilled air-cooling arrangements for the cabinets
  • Extensive facilities for Fault Detection & Fault Localization/ maintenance support.

The Human Machine Interface (HMI) for the HUMSA (NG) is through dual console re-configurable user- friendly displays manned by two operators and requiring minimum operator intervention. In addition to the operating consoles HUMSA (NG] system a workstation to provide auxiliary functions like classificatioaid, simulator functions and recording facility, etc. The system also shares the common display console(s), ESI, and video recording facilities.

The sonar is capable of simultaneous operation in active and passive modes. It is capable of detecting, localizing, classifying and tracking sub-surface targets in both active and passive modes.

The system provides simultaneous long-range detection in active and passive modes. The sonar is capable of localization and automatic tracking of up to eight targets in both active and passive modes.

The sonar integrates the operation of the UWT and XBT systems. The UWT functions are controlled from the main sonar console. The data received from the XBT is processed and presented on the workstation and also displayed on the sonar console.

The sonar provides target classification facility with advanced classification features in passive mode of operation.

The system is integrated with FCS systems such as IAC MOD ‘C and CAIO for exchange of relevant information. The sonar provides interface to the torpedo defence system to provide raw data for TD processing. Interfaces are also provided to obtain other ship house holding data such as course, speed, roll, pitch and GPS data.


  • Hull / Bow mounted single array medium range, low frequency SONAR system
  • Cylindrical transducer array to permit panoramic search capability
  • Electronic Beam tilt and Beam Stabilization capability.
  • Dual frequency of operation
  • Simultaneous active/passive search and track capability
  • Automatic target tracking to a maximum of 8 targets in both end Passive modes with Map overlay.
  • Advanced detection and classification features.
  • In built simulator and health monitoring facility.
  • In built facility to record and replay the raw & video data.
  • Standardized direct digital output for external systems.
  • Non Real time OS (LINUX) with C++
  • VME based COTS hardware with a modular concept.
  • Bi-static/Multi-static modes of operation
  • Intercept Processing
  • Fault Tolerant System

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