Bharat Electronics Limited

Integrated Command Control and Communication System for Artillery Tracked (i3CAT)

Integrated Command Control and Communication System for Artillery Tracked (i3CAT)

Product category :Network Centric System (NCS)

Integrated Command Control and Communication System for Artillery Tracked (i3CAT) is a command post solution for Carrier Command Post Tracked (CCPT) . It is a first of its kind, highly mobile Command Post on a tracked vehicle for the self-propelled artillery regiments to coordinate tactical/technical fire control functions and is jointly developed by CVRDE,OFMK and BEL. Apart from Command post equipment, space has been catered for comfortable seating of 7 crew members apart from the driver and the gunner. I3CAT integrated CCPT can be deployed both at Regimental level as Regimental Command Post and at Battery level as Battery Command Post by the Indian Army.


  • Self –Propelled Tracked vehicle BMP –II with enhanced length and height.
  • Enhanced Tactical Computers (ETCs) and Radio sets with voice data communication to facilitate tactical communications.
  • Rugged Lap top , Print and Fax facility, LCD’s interfaced with ETCs & Ruggedized Laptop
  • Integrated Air-conditioning unit (ACU) with Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) which caters to the power requirements of Command post equipment in addition to providing air-conditioned environment.
  • 15 line Telephone Loud Speaking Unit to facilitate line communication between Command post and Guns in static mode.
  • Automatic NBC protection system and Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression System.

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